Name: EXOPRODIGI – Expanding efforts to bring eco-efficiency to maritime industry processes in Baltic Sea Region via digital tools
Duration: 01/01/2021 – 30/09/2021 (9 months)
Total budget: 879,196.23 €
European Regional Development Fund: 674,282.16 €
Lead Partner: University of Turku, Pan-European Institute
EXOPRODIGI’s activities focus on maritime industry cases in digital performance monitoring, cargo stowage optimisation and optimising shipyard processes.
In digital performance monitoring, the aim is to enhance the decision support tool piloted in ECOPRODIGI to be more dynamic and to comply better with user needs and in different settings. This will support crew on ships with real time updates, possibly gaining additional reductions in fuel consumption and emissions.
In cargo stowage optimisation, the intention is to extend the developed integrated IT solution for real time stowage, stability, trim and load, and discharge planning solution to gain more eco-efficiency benefits.
In optimising shipyard processes, the plan is to expand the use of 3D technology to maritime industry production environment. In addition, the shipyard case addresses the quality chain to apply more lean methodologies into the processes to further clean up ship assembly processes.