This November, ECOPRODIGI is happy to host two back-to-back events in Copenhagen, Denmark. Both events are targeted to stakeholders working in and with maritime industry and to those interested in the digitalisation of the industry. Participation in the events is free of charge but registration is required. As of 18th of November, registration to the events has been closed. In case you would still like to participate, please contact communications manager Emilia Tuominen directly (

We look forward to meeting you in Copenhagen!

Wednesday, 20 November: ECOPRODIGI’s Future Foresight Workshop

The objective of ECOPRODIGI’s Future Foresight workshops is to create a digitalisation roadmap to increase eco-efficiency in the Baltic Sea Region maritime sector. In the second workshop organised in Copenhagen on Wednesday, 20 November, we will apply the tools from the strategic foresight toolbox to open up, explore, and map the range of plausible future trajectories. The point of departure will be taken from the 3 ECOPRODIGI cases: Vessel Performance,  Cargo Logistics, and Shipbuilding. The activities will build off the work that was started in the first workshop in Klaipeda in October, but participation in the prior workshop is not a requirement.

The workshop takes place at Aalborg University Copehagen premises (AAU Sydhavn, A. C, Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 København). Any questions about the workshop can be addressed to Valdemar Ehlers:

Agenda for the workshop can be downloaded HERE.

Thursday, 21 November: ECOPRODIGI’s policy seminar “Navigating towards 2030. How to take the digital route to environmentally and economically sustainable maritime industry?”

In line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set several objectives for the maritime industry in terms of the environmental impacts of shipping. Carbon intensity of international shipping needs to decline, with reductions of CO2 emissions per transport work by at least 40% by 2030, towards 70% by 2050, compared to 2008. Furthermore, the total annual green house gas (GHG) emissions from international shipping are to be reduced by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008 whilst pursuing efforts towards phasing them out entirely.

Digitalisation is among the most important technological enablers for maritime industry’s progress towards decarbonisation and eco-efficiency. However, the disruptive character of digitalisation means that there are many issues to consider and challenges to overcome before the benefits in better operational efficiency, reduced costs and improved environmental performance can be reaped. In many cases, cross-sectoral collaboration and pooling of knowledge and resources between actors from different industries and traditions are needed to find and develop digital solutions that support eco-efficiency. In addition to the development of solutions, transnational networks are often critical to support the diffusion of digital technologies and eco-efficiency solutions beyond national borders.

ECOPRODIGI’s latest policy event invites stakeholders and target groups from different backgrounds together to discuss the future of digital and eco-efficient maritime industry. The focus of the event is on the role of cross-sectoral collaboration, transnational networks, public organisations and policies in supporting digital and sustainable development. Highlights of the seminar include:

  • Keynote: How can digital solutions and transnational networks help deliver on the IMO’s GHG goals? by Dr. Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær (Special Adviser, Blue Growth and Maritime Policy, Danish Maritime Authority)
  • Keynote: EfficienSea2, a successful transnational eNavigation project by Dr. Christopher Saarnak (Senior Adviser, Business Intelligence and Development, Danish Maritime Authority)
  • Keynote: The path to 2050 – some random thoughts by Dr. Harilaos N. Psaraftis (Professor, Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Technical University of Denmark)
  • Panel discussion: Navigating towards 2030. How to take the digital route to environmentally and economically sustainable maritime industry? moderated by Dr. René Taudal Poulsen (Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School – Department of Strategy and Innovation)
  • Presentation of the preliminary results and collaboration examples in ECOPRODIGI’s  three industry cases: Digital Performance Monitoring, Optimising Cargo Stowage & Optimising Shipyard Processes

A more detailed agenda for the seminar can be downloaded HERE. Please note that some changes to the agenda are still possible.

The seminar is organised at Aalborg University Copehagen premises (AAU Sydhavn, A. C, Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 København). In case you have any questions about the seminar, please contact Emilia Tuominen: